Instruction Manual - Pizzicato 3.6.2 | EN008 - Table of Contents |
Table of Contents - Pizzicato Composition Pro
Computer Help - Music Course - Pizzicato User Manual - Progressive Study Program
Glossary of music and computer terms - Index
What is the mouse? - Buttons of the mouse - Pointing - Clicking - Double-clicking - Clicking/dragging
The computer and its interface (1)
What is a computer? - Communicating with a computer - The screen and windows - Menus - Dialog boxes
The computer and its interface (2)
Buttons - Check boxes - Radio buttons - Popup menus - Scroll bars - Sliders - Lists
The computer and its interface (3)
What is help? - The help menu - How to use help? - Reaching contextual help
Introduction to the music course
The purpose of this course - Material needed - How to use this course?
What is music? - Characteristics of a sound - Music notation - The staff - The measure - Summary
Note pitch - example - What is a clef? - Note duration - example - Instrument timbre - example - Note amplitude - example
The name and position of notes - Rhythmic values of notes - Rests - Summary
Characteristics of music notation (1)
Characteristics of music notation (2)
The scale and the musical keyboard - Tones and half tones - The sharp and the flat - The natural - The double sharp and the double flat
Octaves numbering - Using the bass clef - The instrument range - Other clefs - Writing conventions
Characteristics of music notation (3)
Braces and groups of staves - Measure numbering and rehearsal marks - Special staves
Using time signature - Composite time signature - Conventions and examples
The major scale of C - Tonality - The major scales - The minor scales - Arbitrary key signatures
Transposition - Intervals - Diatonic and chromatic transposition
Why add symbols? - Nuances - Tempo markings - Ornament - Other various symbols
How to learn the keyboard with Pizzicato? - Organizing the screen - Progressive exercises generator - Listening to the exercise and learning how to play it - Fingering - Sounds - Learning progression - Learning to play with an accompaniment
Using the composition libraries - Contents of the Pizzicato libraries
Melodies and rhythms - Generating melodies using libraries - Instrumentation and effects - General rules of composition
Versions of Pizzicato - The user manual of Pizzicato - Goals of Pizzicato
Installing Pizzicato - Starting Pizzicato - License registration - Exit Pizzicato
Pizzicato Light 3.6 - Pizzicato Beginner 3.6 - Pizzicato Professional 3.6 - 8 new Pizzicato versions in 3.6
Handling documents and windows (1)
What is a document? - The document manager - Opening and creation of a document - Opening several documents at the same time
Handling documents and windows (2)
Handling musical documents - The various Pizzicato windows - The score view and the global view - The instruments view - The sequencer view - The piano roll view - The graphic view - The musical effects view - Association of a comment - The scrolling score view - The lyrics window - The chord progression window - The main view and the conductor view - The windows management modes
The measures and staves tool - Adding and deleting measures and staves - The linear mode - Creating a score in linear mode
How to move a staff? - How to modify the width of a measure?
Introduction of notes and rests (1)
How to introduce notes and rests? - How to delete a note or a rest? - How to move a note or a rest? - How to select tools with the keyboard? - Automatic justification
Introduction of notes and rests (2)
How to modify the stems orientation? - How to modify the beams?
Introduction of notes and rests (3)
Introducing chords - Dotted notes and rests - Changing the note head - Reducing notes
Introduction of notes and rests (4)
Placement of accidentals - Position of an accidental - Ties - Adjustment of the stem length - Rhythmic voices
Entering notes with a music keyboard
The keyboard window - How you can introduce notes with the keyboard?
Entering music faster - Notes and rhythm - Other aspects of entering music - Additional functions
Introduction of notes and rests (5)
Adding triplets and tuplets - The enharmonic tool - Insert mode
Using the arrow tool - Deleting with the arrow tool - Optimal use of tools
What is alternative notation? - Displaying alternative notation in Pizzicato - Creating a new score - Entering the music - Lyrics - Adjusting the page layout - Text blocks - Music symbols - Defining the alternative notation configurations
Graphic note entry tool on the staff
Graphic note entry tool - Intuitive chords entry - Viewing note colors according to chords
Changing the staff names - Characteristics of staves - Braces and brackets - Measure numbers - Miscellaneous - Lines, size and drums map
Cross staff beaming and grace notes
Configurations - Customizing the displayed folders - Files and folders operations - Adding configurations and areas
What is a template? - Pizzicato Light and specialized versions - Pizzicato Beginner - Pizzicato Pro, Notation and Composition
Changing the rhythmic content of a measure - Up beat and incomplete measures
Selecting a key signature - Changing the key signature during a music work - Arbitrary key signatures - Exercises
What is a selection? - Copy and paste - Selecting several measures - Partial selection of measures
Specifying the items to paste - Merging staves - Split voices
Working in the sequencer and main views
Selecting measures - Adding/deleting measures and staves - Creating and handling scores
Time and key signatures indication - Measures numbering - Multimeasure rests - Free measures - Justification and staff lines
The instruments view - Elements of the instruments view - Modifying the staves order
Global options and graphic copy
Basic global options - Advanced global options - Graphic copy - Additional options
Real time recording - The recorder and its options - Start recording from the musical keyboard - MIDI play options
Tracks and staves - Transcription - Quantization - Recording multiple voices - Correcting the notes
Transposing and justifying measures
Transposing measures - Justifying measures - Justification options
Palettes, tools and symbols - Adding a symbol in the score - Erasing a symbol - Moving or resizing a symbol
Creation of a text block - Moving, modifying and erasing a text block - Adding a title / Page numbers
Introduction of lyrics in the score - Connecting or extending syllables - Adjusting the position of lyrics lines - Note names - The lyrics fast encoding window
Consulting the library - Modifying the symbols - Modifying the library
Adding, moving and erasing chords on the score - Adjusting chords globally - Converting chords into notes
Analyze the chords of a score - Searching chords for a melody
The use of rhythmic voices and colors
Rhythmic voices - Using rhythmic voices - Using colors - Making a note or a rest invisible
Principles of fretted instruments - The guitar fretboard window - Tablatures - Using tablatures - Tablature parameters - Chords diagrams - The diagrams library - The tablatures library
Graphic options and automatisms
Reading and writing Midi files
The Midi file - Exporting a Midi file - Importing a Midi file
What is a MusicXML file ? - Import a MusicXML or NIFF file in Pizzicato - Export a score in MusicXML - Export to PDF
Contextual menus and MIDI data modification
Contextual menu of a note - Contextual menu of a measures selection - Modification of MIDI data
Musical effects - The musical effects view - Modifying the symbol effects - Creating free musical effects
The graphic note editor view - The use of colours - Composing drum patterns
How to open the global view? - The main header bar - The staff header bar
What are the composition libraries ? - Elements of the composition libraries - Composing with the libraries
Creation of a rhythmic cell - Creation of a melodic cell - Measures calculation method
Creation of a theme - Creation of a chord - Combining a chord, a rhythm and a melody
Creation of a melody folder - Options of a melody folder - Multiplying combinations
Creation of a rhythm folder - Creation of a theme folder - Creation of a chord progression - Arranging a melody on chords
Erasing, duplicating and moving elements - Library options - Libraries in the sequencer view - Copying libraries between two documents - Summary - example of libraries - Conclusions
Configuring the instruments view
Why modifying the instruments view? - The instruments view configuration dialog box
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (1)
Graphic and Midi symbols - Tools palettes - Creating a new palette - Importing the tools created with a previous version of Pizzicato
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (2)
Creating a new tool - Assigning a keyboard shortcut - Bitmap graphic editor
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (3)
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (4)
Creation of a curve - The graphic side of symbols - Examples of symbols
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (5)
Midi effects on the score performance - Examples of Midi effects
Composition tools - The smart link
The composition tools - The smart link - The computed measure parameters - Note parameters - Rhythm parameters - Chords influence - Application example - Adding smart link templates
Composition tools - Rhythmic variations
Composition tools - The conductor view
The conductor view - Using the conductor view - Playing and grouping scores
Composition tools - Instruments
Instruments - Using the instruments - Managing the musical objects - The instrument colors
Composition tools - Harmonic spaces
Basic principle - Using the real time arranger - Editing an harmonic space
Composition tools - Dragging and dropping scores
Basic principles - A practical example - The musical objects and their icons - Creating, deleting and editing the musical objects - Using the objects in a document - The drag and drop options
Composition tools - Music generators
Basic principle - The musical structure - A structure inside a structure - Parameters of a score - The generated scores
Composition tools - General scales and chords
Scales and chords - Chords and scales library - Assigning chords and scales
Composition tools - The score arranger
Basic principle - Using the score arranger - The harmonic rules - The scales associated to the chords
Composition tools - The music vectors
What is a music vector? - Practical examples - The structure of a music vector - The melodic part - The melodic wave - The rhythmic aspect - The velocity wave - Additional examples - The music vectors library
Composition tools - Virtual keyboards
Composition tools - The music libraries
The musical libraries - A small example - The content of the libraries
Composition tools - Using styles
What is a style? - Using the Pizzicato styles - Interactive styles and chords exploration - Importing styles from the Internet - Extract the instrumental patterns - Summary
Composition tools - The graphic vectors
Drawing a melodic curve - Assigning a rhythmic structure - Moving and transposing a melodic line - Vectorization of an existing melodic line - Applying a rhythmic density - Changing the velocity
Composition tools - Harmony and counterpoint
About this program - Purpose of this composition module - How to choose a set of rules ? - Creating a new composition module - How to use the composition module ? - The composition module window - Using the module - Example 1 - 4 parts harmony with bass line - Example 2 - 4 parts harmony with a given melody - Example 3 - Starting from an existing melody and chord progression - Example 4 - 2 parts counterpoint with a given melody - Example 5 - 3 parts counterpoint with dissonances and rhythmic transfer - Example 6 - Checking for errors in an existing score - Example 7 - Starting from a MIDI file - What to do if the program finds no solution
Audio or MIDI? - What is an audio track? - Adding an audio track - Multiple audio tracks - Audio setup - Using an ASIO driver
Accessing the audio editor - The various parts of the audio window - Specifying the file area to play - Selecting the working area - Modifying the selected area - Zooming - File operations - Recording an audio file - Modifying the wave directly - Miscellaneous options of the editor
What is an audio spectrum? - The spectral analysis window - Working on the harmonics of a sound
What is a virtual instrument? - Using the virtual instruments - The virtual instruments library - Importing SoundFont files - Tuning
Modular audio synthesis principles - Generators - Envelopes - Modulators and other operators - Filters - Audio samples reader - Tips and advices
The purpose of the audio/midi/score window - Audio conversion - Example 1 - Guitar - Audio conversion - Example 2 - Guitar - Audio conversion - Example 3 - Flute - Audio conversion - Example 4 - Piano - Audio conversion - Example 5 - Polyphony - Importing a MIDI file - Selection of an audio or MIDI section - Conversion parameters
Versions of Pizzicato - The user manual of Pizzicato - Goals of Pizzicato
What is the mouse? - Buttons of the mouse - Pointing - Clicking - Double-clicking - Clicking/dragging
Installing Pizzicato - Starting Pizzicato - License registration - Exit Pizzicato
The computer and its interface (1)
What is a computer? - Communicating with a computer - The screen and windows - Menus - Dialog boxes
The computer and its interface (2)
Buttons - Check boxes - Radio buttons - Popup menus - Scroll bars - Sliders - Lists
The computer and its interface (3)
What is help? - The help menu - How to use help? - Reaching contextual help
Pizzicato Light 3.6 - Pizzicato Beginner 3.6 - Pizzicato Professional 3.6 - 8 new Pizzicato versions in 3.6
Introduction to the music course
The purpose of this course - Material needed - How to use this course?
What is music? - Characteristics of a sound - Music notation - The staff - The measure - Summary
Handling documents and windows (1)
What is a document? - The document manager - Opening and creation of a document - Opening several documents at the same time
Note pitch - example - What is a clef? - Note duration - example - Instrument timbre - example - Note amplitude - example
Handling documents and windows (2)
Handling musical documents - The various Pizzicato windows - The score view and the global view - The instruments view - The sequencer view - The piano roll view - The graphic view - The musical effects view - Association of a comment - The scrolling score view - The lyrics window - The chord progression window - The main view and the conductor view - The windows management modes
The measures and staves tool - Adding and deleting measures and staves - The linear mode - Creating a score in linear mode
How to move a staff? - How to modify the width of a measure?
The name and position of notes - Rhythmic values of notes - Rests - Summary
Introduction of notes and rests (1)
How to introduce notes and rests? - How to delete a note or a rest? - How to move a note or a rest? - How to select tools with the keyboard? - Automatic justification
Characteristics of music notation (1)
Introduction of notes and rests (2)
How to modify the stems orientation? - How to modify the beams?
Characteristics of music notation (2)
Introduction of notes and rests (3)
Introducing chords - Dotted notes and rests - Changing the note head - Reducing notes
The scale and the musical keyboard - Tones and half tones - The sharp and the flat - The natural - The double sharp and the double flat
Introduction of notes and rests (4)
Placement of accidentals - Position of an accidental - Ties - Adjustment of the stem length - Rhythmic voices
Entering notes with a music keyboard
The keyboard window - How you can introduce notes with the keyboard?
Entering music faster - Notes and rhythm - Other aspects of entering music - Additional functions
Introduction of notes and rests (5)
Adding triplets and tuplets - The enharmonic tool - Insert mode
Using the arrow tool - Deleting with the arrow tool - Optimal use of tools
What is alternative notation? - Displaying alternative notation in Pizzicato - Creating a new score - Entering the music - Lyrics - Adjusting the page layout - Text blocks - Music symbols - Defining the alternative notation configurations
Graphic note entry tool on the staff
Graphic note entry tool - Intuitive chords entry - Viewing note colors according to chords
Octaves numbering - Using the bass clef - The instrument range - Other clefs - Writing conventions
Characteristics of music notation (3)
Braces and groups of staves - Measure numbering and rehearsal marks - Special staves
Changing the staff names - Characteristics of staves - Braces and brackets - Measure numbers - Miscellaneous - Lines, size and drums map
Cross staff beaming and grace notes
Configurations - Customizing the displayed folders - Files and folders operations - Adding configurations and areas
What is a template? - Pizzicato Light and specialized versions - Pizzicato Beginner - Pizzicato Pro, Notation and Composition
Using time signature - Composite time signature - Conventions and examples
Changing the rhythmic content of a measure - Up beat and incomplete measures
The major scale of C - Tonality - The major scales - The minor scales - Arbitrary key signatures
Selecting a key signature - Changing the key signature during a music work - Arbitrary key signatures - Exercises
What is a selection? - Copy and paste - Selecting several measures - Partial selection of measures
Specifying the items to paste - Merging staves - Split voices
Working in the sequencer and main views
Selecting measures - Adding/deleting measures and staves - Creating and handling scores
Time and key signatures indication - Measures numbering - Multimeasure rests - Free measures - Justification and staff lines
The instruments view - Elements of the instruments view - Modifying the staves order
Global options and graphic copy
Basic global options - Advanced global options - Graphic copy - Additional options
Real time recording - The recorder and its options - Start recording from the musical keyboard - MIDI play options
Tracks and staves - Transcription - Quantization - Recording multiple voices - Correcting the notes
Transposition - Intervals - Diatonic and chromatic transposition
Transposing and justifying measures
Transposing measures - Justifying measures - Justification options
Why add symbols? - Nuances - Tempo markings - Ornament - Other various symbols
Palettes, tools and symbols - Adding a symbol in the score - Erasing a symbol - Moving or resizing a symbol
Creation of a text block - Moving, modifying and erasing a text block - Adding a title / Page numbers
Introduction of lyrics in the score - Connecting or extending syllables - Adjusting the position of lyrics lines - Note names - The lyrics fast encoding window
Consulting the library - Modifying the symbols - Modifying the library
Adding, moving and erasing chords on the score - Adjusting chords globally - Converting chords into notes
Analyze the chords of a score - Searching chords for a melody
The use of rhythmic voices and colors
Rhythmic voices - Using rhythmic voices - Using colors - Making a note or a rest invisible
Principles of fretted instruments - The guitar fretboard window - Tablatures - Using tablatures - Tablature parameters - Chords diagrams - The diagrams library - The tablatures library
Graphic options and automatisms
Reading and writing Midi files
The Midi file - Exporting a Midi file - Importing a Midi file
What is a MusicXML file ? - Import a MusicXML or NIFF file in Pizzicato - Export a score in MusicXML - Export to PDF
Contextual menus and MIDI data modification
Contextual menu of a note - Contextual menu of a measures selection - Modification of MIDI data
Musical effects - The musical effects view - Modifying the symbol effects - Creating free musical effects
The graphic note editor view - The use of colours - Composing drum patterns
How to open the global view? - The main header bar - The staff header bar
What are the composition libraries ? - Elements of the composition libraries - Composing with the libraries
Creation of a rhythmic cell - Creation of a melodic cell - Measures calculation method
Creation of a theme - Creation of a chord - Combining a chord, a rhythm and a melody
Creation of a melody folder - Options of a melody folder - Multiplying combinations
Creation of a rhythm folder - Creation of a theme folder - Creation of a chord progression - Arranging a melody on chords
Erasing, duplicating and moving elements - Library options - Libraries in the sequencer view - Copying libraries between two documents - Summary - example of libraries - Conclusions
Configuring the instruments view
Why modifying the instruments view? - The instruments view configuration dialog box
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (1)
Graphic and Midi symbols - Tools palettes - Creating a new palette - Importing the tools created with a previous version of Pizzicato
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (2)
Creating a new tool - Assigning a keyboard shortcut - Bitmap graphic editor
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (3)
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (4)
Creation of a curve - The graphic side of symbols - Examples of symbols
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (5)
Midi effects on the score performance - Examples of Midi effects
How to learn the keyboard with Pizzicato? - Organizing the screen - Progressive exercises generator - Listening to the exercise and learning how to play it - Fingering - Sounds - Learning progression - Learning to play with an accompaniment
Using the composition libraries - Contents of the Pizzicato libraries
Melodies and rhythms - Generating melodies using libraries - Instrumentation and effects - General rules of composition
Composition tools - The smart link
The composition tools - The smart link - The computed measure parameters - Note parameters - Rhythm parameters - Chords influence - Application example - Adding smart link templates
Composition tools - Rhythmic variations
Composition tools - The conductor view
The conductor view - Using the conductor view - Playing and grouping scores
Composition tools - Instruments
Instruments - Using the instruments - Managing the musical objects - The instrument colors
Composition tools - Harmonic spaces
Basic principle - Using the real time arranger - Editing an harmonic space
Composition tools - Dragging and dropping scores
Basic principles - A practical example - The musical objects and their icons - Creating, deleting and editing the musical objects - Using the objects in a document - The drag and drop options
Composition tools - Music generators
Basic principle - The musical structure - A structure inside a structure - Parameters of a score - The generated scores
Composition tools - General scales and chords
Scales and chords - Chords and scales library - Assigning chords and scales
Composition tools - The score arranger
Basic principle - Using the score arranger - The harmonic rules - The scales associated to the chords
Composition tools - The music vectors
What is a music vector? - Practical examples - The structure of a music vector - The melodic part - The melodic wave - The rhythmic aspect - The velocity wave - Additional examples - The music vectors library
Composition tools - Virtual keyboards
Composition tools - The music libraries
The musical libraries - A small example - The content of the libraries
Composition tools - Using styles
What is a style? - Using the Pizzicato styles - Interactive styles and chords exploration - Importing styles from the Internet - Extract the instrumental patterns - Summary
Composition tools - The graphic vectors
Drawing a melodic curve - Assigning a rhythmic structure - Moving and transposing a melodic line - Vectorization of an existing melodic line - Applying a rhythmic density - Changing the velocity
Composition tools - Harmony and counterpoint
About this program - Purpose of this composition module - How to choose a set of rules ? - Creating a new composition module - How to use the composition module ? - The composition module window - Using the module - Example 1 - 4 parts harmony with bass line - Example 2 - 4 parts harmony with a given melody - Example 3 - Starting from an existing melody and chord progression - Example 4 - 2 parts counterpoint with a given melody - Example 5 - 3 parts counterpoint with dissonances and rhythmic transfer - Example 6 - Checking for errors in an existing score - Example 7 - Starting from a MIDI file - What to do if the program finds no solution
Audio or MIDI? - What is an audio track? - Adding an audio track - Multiple audio tracks - Audio setup - Using an ASIO driver
Accessing the audio editor - The various parts of the audio window - Specifying the file area to play - Selecting the working area - Modifying the selected area - Zooming - File operations - Recording an audio file - Modifying the wave directly - Miscellaneous options of the editor
What is an audio spectrum? - The spectral analysis window - Working on the harmonics of a sound
What is a virtual instrument? - Using the virtual instruments - The virtual instruments library - Importing SoundFont files - Tuning
Modular audio synthesis principles - Generators - Envelopes - Modulators and other operators - Filters - Audio samples reader - Tips and advices
The purpose of the audio/midi/score window - Audio conversion - Example 1 - Guitar - Audio conversion - Example 2 - Guitar - Audio conversion - Example 3 - Flute - Audio conversion - Example 4 - Piano - Audio conversion - Example 5 - Polyphony - Importing a MIDI file - Selection of an audio or MIDI section - Conversion parameters