Instruction manual - Pizzicato 3.6.2 EN385 - Revision of 2013/05/29



Composition Pro

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Special paste function

Subjects covered:

Specifying the items to paste [Professional] [Notation] [Composition Pro]

By using the copy/paste function explained previously, Pizzicato systematically paste all the elements of a measure, except for the key signature and the time signature. It can be useful to be able to select the elements you want to paste. Pizzicato allows this through the special paste function.

In this example, the colors of notes show the rhythmic voices. This is done via Options, Graphic options..., Use of colors, Voice color selection. Red is the first voice, blue the second... see also the lesson about rhythmic voices.

The first voice has been copied, without the symbols.

Merging staves [Professional] [Notation] [Composition Pro]

The special paste function can also be used to merge the content of several staves to only one staff.

The three staves have been merged. The voices of the three staves have been placed in the form of multiple voices in the destination staff.

The "Keep voices apart" check box is used to keep the voices as they are in the original measures. If this check box is not checked, and if two or more voices to merge have the same rhythm, Pizzicato will assemble them into chords, as one rhythmic voice (and thus one stem).

Split voices [Professional] [Notation] [Composition Pro]

Pizzicato lets you also split the voices of a staff into several other staves, including the chords that are split into several voices.

The 3 voices have been separated into three different staves. The symbols not attached to a note (here the mp) have been copied for each voice whereas the slur has been left on the voice on which it was attached.

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Composition Pro