Instruction manual - Pizzicato 3.6.2 | EN680 - Revision of 2013/05/29 |
Editing graphic and Midi symbols (4)
Subjects covered:
Creation of a curve [Professional] [Notation] [Composition Pro]
Start Pizzicato and open the Test Palette. Double-click on our original symbol. We will transform this symbol into a curve. In the Type menu, select the Curve item. Click in the Create/Modify button. The curve editor appears:
The curve contains 3 points marked by 3 small black squares. Click and drag for example the middle one. The two extreme points remain motionless and the curve follows your movement:
Release it and the curve is stabilized.
- Bring the right side point a little closer and move the middle point to get:
The shape of this curve will be visible on the score when you add the symbol. Then you will be able to adapt it in the score. The modifications will remain local and will not influence the original symbol.
The intersection of the two red lines indicates the origin of the curve. It simulates the location where you click in the score to place the symbol. In the above example, the location clicked in the score will correspond to the left point of the curve.
Close this window with its closing box or the Enter (Return) key (on Mac, this window has no closing box, use the return key to close it).
The graphic side of symbols [Professional] [Notation] [Composition Pro]
Pizzicato displays the symbol definition dialog box :
The central part is separated in two areas. The left part treats the horizontal positioning of the symbol and the right part the vertical positioning. Let us start with the horizontal part.
- The Mode menu selects the horizontal positioning mode of the symbol.
The default choice is Proportional to measure. When you click on the score to add the symbol, it sticks to the measure. By widening the measure, the symbol will move proportionally.
If you take the Relative to measure choice, the symbol will be fixed in relation to the top left corner of the measure. By widening the measure, the symbol will not move in relation to this corner.
Finally the third choice is Relative to a note. In this case, by clicking on a note or a rest, the horizontal position of the symbol is fixed in relation to this note or rest and it will move with it. If this option is selected and if you add the symbol in the measure without clicking on a note, it will be associated to the measure.
- The following text box is entitled Position and has a value of "0" by default. By placing a value different than zero, you can shift the horizontal position of the symbol when you add it on the score. By placing for example "10", when you click on the score, the symbol will be placed 10 pixels to the right of the location where you clicked. A negative number would correspond to a shift to the left.
- If you want the symbol to be horizontally moveable on the score, the Moveable box located just to the right must be checked. An accent placed on a note for example may be fixed horizontally, in relation to the note, by unchecking this option.
- The next text box is used to place an horizontal oblique shift, in percentage. The effect of this shift moves the lower border of its frame of X % distance in relation to its horizontal size. Here is for example the effect of 25 % horizontal oblique shift on a rectangle drawn with the polygon tool:
Only lines and polygons are really distorted by an oblique shift. The other objects are simply resized to hold within the new frame.
- If you check the Variable box, the user will be able to modify this shift as explained in the lesson on the positioning of symbols.
- The last text box is entitled Scale. By default, it is fixed at 100 %, which adds the symbol on the score with horizontal dimension exactly as the original drawing. By placing a different value, you can increase or decrease the horizontal scale of the symbol. For example, you can draw a symbol twice larger in the vectorial editor (so that the drawing is easier and more precise) and decrease it on a 50 % scale for the score.
- The menu located right besides is fixed by default. The user will not be able to modify the scale. If you select the Proportional item, he will be able to widen or narrow this symbol horizontally. The Multiple choice is used to multiply the symbol in the horizontal direction. If you place for example a symbol as this one in the vectorial editor or bitmap:
and if you activate the Multiple choice, the user will be able to stretch this symbol horizontally and will get the following symbol:
- The right side of the dialog box contains the same options for the vertical position of the symbol. Only the positioning mode is different.
The default vertical mode is Relative to measure. The position is based on the measure and moves with it. By selecting Relative to a note, the symbol will move vertically with the note. The last choice is Relative to a stem. This associates the symbol position with the end of the note stem on which you clicked to add the symbol. If you lengthen the stem, the symbol will move to keep the same position in relation to the stem.
- Three check boxes are located in the upper left part of the dialog.
The first is entitled Outside measure. By checking this box, it becomes impossible to superimpose the symbol inside the 5 lines of the staff. By clicking to add the symbol, it is automatically shifted upwards or downwards so that the symbol frame remains outside of the measure.
The following box is called Only between lines. By checking it, Pizzicato shifts the vertical position of the symbol so that its origin always corresponds with the middle of a space between lines of the measure. This is useful for example for the dot is placed above or below a note. If this box was not checked for this symbol, the dot could appear on the line of a staff, which would make it much less visible.
The third box is called Dependent of stems direction. Normally, when you reverse the direction of the note stem with which a symbol is associated, the symbol does not move and thus remains fixed in relation to the head of the note. By checking this box, the symbol will automatically follow and swap up/down with the inversion of the stem.
- Next to the identifier of the symbol, a menu displays Unique. It means that this symbol is not related to the definition of another symbol. This menu contains two other choices, Stem up and Stem down. If the first is activated, this symbol is only valid when the stem of the associated note is directed upwards. The symbol must be associated with a second symbol which is only valid when the stem is directed downwards. The text box just below specifies the identifier of the associated symbol.
This system is used to create symbols that are different according to the stem direction, for example the dot placed above or below a note. The second symbol should not necessarily be placed in a palette. To create this second symbol, you need to set an identifier not yet in use in the Associated Symbol text box. If you just created the symbol, simply add "1" to the identifier of the symbol.
In our example, select Stem up and place the identifier +1 (here thus 4512) in the text box right below. Click OK. To reach the definition of the associated symbol, double-click on the original symbol (in the palette) by holding down the control key. A copy of the symbol is created and you get the definition dialog box of the symmetrical symbol. Notice that the menu shows Stem down, the symbol carries identifier 4512 and is associated to the identifier 4511. These two symbols are now independent on the definition level. Modifying the drawing of one will not modify the other.
When you add one of these symbols on a note, Pizzicato automatically selects the one which corresponds to the stem direction and when you reverse this direction, the symbols are swapped.
- A check box entitled MIDI Play activates a sound effect via the Midi system. We will study it in the next lesson.
- Just below there is a menu labeled Chord. The default choice is Upper note. The other possible choice is Lower note. When you add the symbol on an chord, this menu shows to which note of the chord the symbol will be associated.
- In the lower part of the dialog, a box labeled Invisible Symbol makes the symbol invisible on the score. This is for example useful when you simply want to create a sound effect or to fix a volume, without displaying this symbol on the printed score.
- Another check box specifies if the symbol must influence the measure justification of notes and rests. If it is checked, Pizzicato will reserve an horizontal space for this symbol when placed in front of or behind a note.
- The check box labeled Include in extracted parts determines if the symbol must be copied on all extracted parts when you extract parts from the orchestra score. It is for example the case of the tempo symbols that are placed on the first staff of the orchestra score, but which will be found in each separate part also.
Examples of symbols [Professional] [Notation] [Composition Pro]
In order to illustrate the theory, we will now examine some symbols of the Pizzicato library. By closing the dialog boxes, take care to click on Cancel, in order not to modify one of the original symbols.
- If not done yet, close the symbol definition dialog box. Open the Main Symbols palette and double-click on the symbol:
It is formed by a vectorial drawing. If you edit the drawing, you will see that it consists of 2 text areas containing an "m" and a "f" in the Pizzicato font. The option Outside of measure is checked, because this symbol is always placed outside of a measure. Horizontally, it can be attached to a note. A position of -15 places it on the left of the clicked note and it is moveable, i.e. the user can move it with the mouse. Vertically, it is fixed compared to measure. If you move a note vertically, the symbol will not move. Click Cancel.
- Double-click on the symbol:
Its vectorial drawing is formed by two oblique lines. Here, the vertical oblique shift is variable, letting the user to incline the symbol to get the following examples:
The horizontal and vertical scales are proportional, so as to increase or decrease this symbol in both directions, to get the following examples:
- Click Cancel and open the following symbol:
The horizontal and vertical positions of this symbol are fixed in relation to a note. The symbol is not moveable, Pizzicato places it automatically at the specified location, in relation to the note.
The symbol is placed only between the lines of the staff (or between the imaginary additional lines) in such a way that it is not hidden by a line. The stem direction influences its positioning. A symbol is associated to it for the opposite direction of the stem.
- Click Cancel and open the following symbol:
Its vertical scale is multiplicative and has a default value of 300 %. The user can thus stretch or narrow the height of this symbol.
- Click Cancel. Open the Graphic symbols palette and double click on the following symbol:
Its vectorial drawing consists of three lines and a text area with number "1" and a dot. Its position is fixed in relation to the measure. Its horizontal scale is proportional. Pizzicato always places it outside the measure.
This terminates the review of the graphic side of symbols. Have fun to create some original symbols and to add them in the score. Also consult the other symbols of the Pizzicato library. Some of them will give you ideas on the possible uses of symbols creation.