Pizzicato Keyboard contains all the tools you need to write music for the
keyboard instruments like the piano, the organ or the synthesizer, with up
to 4 staves.
- This music software contains all the tools of Pizzicato Professional
related to keyboard notation.
- Enter the notes with combinations of mouse clicks, tool palettes,
keystrokes, the virtual piano keyboard window, or directly through a
MIDI keyboard, step by step or in real time.
- An extensive and easy to follow tutorial helps you mastering every
aspect of Pizzicato.
- Play the score or any part of it and watch the notes colored as they
are played.

With Pizzicato Choir, you can enter music for the choir, print nice looking
sheet music and hear them play.
- Everything you need to write your sheet music for the choir, up to 4
- Increase your knowledge of music theory. The music theory course will
help you improve your performances and you will enjoy singing even more.
- This music software will also help you to learn your part and sing
while the computer plays the other parts, at any tempo.
- Create an audio file of the score, with one or more voices playing.
Create an audio CD and give it to the choir members to help them
practice their parts.

Pizzicato Guitar contains all the tools you need to write sheet music for
the guitar or other fretted instruments like the banjo, the bass, etc.
- Everything you need to write your own scores and tablatures or TAB,
for the guitar or for any fretted instrument.
- Enter the notes with the help of a guitar fret board window, showing
the note names.
- With this music software, enter music with the mouse on a tablature or
on a standard staff. Display both staff and tablature and Pizzicato can
convert from one to the other.
- Pizzicato can play the score at any tempo, and you can use this
feature to practice on your own guitar. The notes are colored as they
are played and an arrow follows the score.

Here is a unique music software, specifically designed for
music notation of drums and percussion instruments.
- Everything you need to write your own drums and percussion sheet
music, up to 8 staves.
- You can define custom drums and percussion maps so that each line of a
staff will play the instrument of your choice.
- Without being an expert, you can easily create and edit a drum
pattern. Pizzicato can play the pattern in a loop while you edit it, so
you can intuitively modify it until you like it.
- Staves can have from 1 up to 16 lines so that you can create custom
presentations of drum sheet music.

Pizzicato Soloist contains all the tools you need to write music for a solo
instrument. Print nice solo sheet music, whether for brass, woodwind, string
instruments or any solo instrument written on one staff.
- Everything you need to write your own solo sheet music.
- An extensive and easy to follow tutorial helps you mastering every
aspect of this music software.
- Transpose the score from one tone to another, just by changing the key
signature or by selecting an interval.
- Enter your exercises and play them with the computer as a reference
for rhythm and pitch. You will improve quickly and enjoy even more
playing your instrument.