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2006/08/21 20:12 - Transposing Instruments_Tabelle


I have here something about transposing instruments.
Please let me know if I made some mistakes.
This list will help to work more quickly in instrument
view (Ctrl+I).If one instrument sounds "-" you should use "+" value and
otherway round for instruments which sonds "+".

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Piccolo - 1 octave higher than written (+12 semitones)/ clef: TREBLE
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Alto Flute in G - a perfect 4th lower than written (-5 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Bass Flute - 1 0ctave lower than written (-12 semitones)/clef: TREBLE
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English Horn (in F) a perfect 5th lower than written (-7 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Oboe d'Amore in A - a minor 3rd lower than written (-3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Baritone Oboe - 1 0ctave lower than written (-12 semitones)/clef: TREBLE
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Heckelphone - 1 0ctave lower than written (-12 semitones)/clef: TREBLE
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Contrabasoon - 1 0ctave lower than written (-12 semitones)/clef: Bass
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Clarinet in E-flat - a minor 3rd higher than written (+3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Clarinet in B-flat - a tone lower than written (-2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Clarinet in A - a minor 3rd lower than written (-3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Basset Horn in F - a perfect 5th lower than written (-7 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Alto Clarinet in E-flat - a major 6th lower than written (-9 semitunes) clef: TREBLE
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Bass Clarinet in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Contrabass Clarinet in E-flat - 1 octave and a major 6th lower than written (-21 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Contrabass Clarinet in B-flat - 2 octaves and a tone lower than written (-26 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Sopranino Saxophone in E flat - a minor 3rd higher than written (+3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Soprano Saxophone in B-flat - a tone lowr than written (-2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Alto Saxophone in E-flat - a major 6th lower than written (-9 semitunes) clef: TREBLE
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Tenor Saxophone in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Baritone Saxophone in E-flat - 1 octave and a major 6th lower than written (-21 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Bass Saxophone in B-flat - 2 octaves and a tone lower than written (-26 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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French Horn in F - a perfect 5th lower than written (-7 semitones)clef: TREBLE or BASS
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Trumpet in B-flat - a tone lower than written (-2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Trumpet in D - a tone higher than written (+2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Trumpet in E-flat - a minor 3rd higher than written (+3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Trombone in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Soprano Cornet in E-flat - a minor 3rd higher than written (+3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Cornet in B-flat - a tone lowr than written (-2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Tenor Horn in E-flat - a major 6th lower than written (-9 semitunes) clef: TREBLE
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Baritone Horn in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Euphonium in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Tuba in E-flat - 1 octave and a major 6th lower than written (-21 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Tuba in B-flat - 2 octaves and a tone lower than written (-26 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Zlatoje P. - Germany

Answer to this message...

2006/08/22 12:51 - RE : Transposing Instruments_Tabelle

Hmmmm... I think that is wrong what I said about the values in contra direction. If Piccolo sounds one octave higher than written you should set +12 semitones in Instrument view, exactly how is written in this overview table. In other cases where other intervals are in questions, for example the major second by trompet and clarinet you set -2 but after transposing this stave +2 with respectable new key signature and only for this stave.

Zlatoje P. - Germany


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