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2008/10/20 15:41 - Differences between Pizzicato 2 and 3

Is Pizzicato Light 3.3 an updated version of Version 2? If so, why are you advertising both? If not, what is the difference?

Thank you.

Richard Dassance

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2008/10/20 19:47 - RE : Differences between Pizzicato 2 and 3

Hi Richard,

Pizzicato 2 (Light, Beginner or Professional) is an "old" version, from the years 1999/2000. It is still proposed for sale, at a lower price.

It requires some precaution to install on Windows XP and Vista, but it works when the precaution is taken. On Macintosh systems, it works with Mac OS 9, but no more on Mac OS X.

Version 2 in itself is no more developed, as we have the Pizzicato 3 product line, that benefits from regular updates.

You can see the table of differences at:

If you intend to buy Pizzicato Light, I recommend you to buy version 3, as for the Light version, the price difference is very low. Moreover, with Pizzicato 3, you get the next two major updates for free, when they are released.

Dominique - ARPEGE, Belgium


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