How to convert a Pizzicato file into a ".WAV" audio file ?
After having
created a score, it is sometimes necessary to create an audio
file to use it in another program, in order to animate a
multi-media presentation sequence, to transmit the file to
somebody or simply to burn it on an audio CD. Here is how to
proceed. The first step
is to export your Pizzicato file into a MIDI file. For that, use
the "Export in MIDI..." item in the "File"
menu, click OK in the next dialog box and give a name to your
MIDI file. Exit Pizzicato. The following
step requires a virtual synthesizer software. There are numerous
softwares for this. We will take the example of the
"Wingroove" shareware that you can download at the
address ("Fullset
version" item). This software is a shareware, so if you use
it regularly, we invite you to remunerate his author, the price
being very moderate (see the heading "Shareware
Registration" on the site for details). Once downloaded,
install it and restart Windows. Launch this software
("Start", "Programs", "Wingroove",
"WG Player") and open the MIDI file previously created
with Pizzicato ("File" menu, "Open" item).
The "File", "Create WaveFile" menu lets you
generate the corresponding audio file. Once the audio
file is created, you can use a CD burning software to create an
audio CD, which you may then play on any audio CD reader.