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Courtesy key and time signatures

In Pizzicato, the Automatisms… item in the Options menu presents two options entitled Courtesy key signature and Courtesy time signature. What is the use of these options?

In a score, the time signature and the key signature sometimes change during the piece. When it occurs at the end of a staff, and to avoid the surprise of the player when his eyes "jump" to the next line, the new key (or time) signature is displayed at the end of the staff, on an extension of the lines after the last bar line, to alert the player about this change. This key (or time) signature is called a courtesy key or time signature.

Pizzicato activates these options by default, which is useful in a score.

It can also be useful to disable them when a score includes several short independent pieces, whose key and time signatures do not have continuity between them. In this case, there is no need to display a courtesy time or key signature.

To force Pizzicato to display the key or time signature at the beginning of the next staff, you can use the measure parameters function (professional version only):


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