Adjusting the frame of the graphic copy
With Pizzicato Beginner,
Professional and Notation, you can make a graphic copy of a score
section, a measure, a stave,... To select the part you want to
copy, you must adjust the window which contains that part so that
you see only this part. For that, you can modify the zoom value,
which will not modify the size of the part you copy. If you need
to print the image with another program (Word, Corel,
ClarisWorks,...), it is better to use a 300 DPI resolution in the
dialog box. If you want to use the picture on the screen or on a
website, 72 DPI will be enough. You can either copy the picture
in the clipboard or to save it as a ".bmp" (Windows) or
.pict (Mac) file and then use it as you like it.