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Music Education Software

Music Software Education Pricing

You will find here the conditions and special prices on the Pizzicato music education software.

Whether you are a student, a teacher or head of an educational institution, there are very advantageaous formulas to help you use the creative features of Pizzicato within music education activities.

If you are a student or a teacher, you can receive a substantial discount on the normal price of an individual license, for a boxed version or a downloaded version:

Individual license for a student or a teacher...

If you are the head of a part-time music education school, flat rate packages are available so that the school, the teachers and the students can use Pizzicato in the framework of music courses:

Flat rate packages for part-time music schools...

If you are the head of an educational institution, you can benefit from multiple licenses but also from flat rate packages for the school, the teachers and the students:

Multiple licenses and flat rate packages for schools...

Finally, for all educational institutions, but also for choirs, orchestras and ensembles, the students, teachers or members can benefit from a free version of Pizzicato Light, which already provides a creative approach to computer music:

Free versions for education and musical ensembles...

In all cases, education licenses, Lab Packs and site licenses are intended for personal use by the persons who qualify for education prices and may not be used by nor transfered to a non qualified person.

For more information, please contact:

Dominique Vandenneucker

1 - Individual Licenses

To benefit from the special discount for an individual license of a music education software, you must be one of the following:

  • A full time student.  A copy of a valid student identification card or any other proof is requested for qualification.

  • A teacher, staff member of a school.  A copy of a document proving your status as a teacher is required for qualification.

  • The head of an educational institution (part-time or full-time education).  A signed order confirmation on letterhead of the school is required for qualification.
  • Discount available for active MTNA members

The following Pizzicato versions are available as individual education licenses.

Pizzicato Professional - Box with DVD and manual: 149.00 euros instead of 299.00 euros
Pizzicato Professional - Downloaded version:  99.00 euros instead of 195.00 euros

Pizzicato Composition Pro - Box with DVD and manual: 99.00 euros instead of 149.00 euros
Pizzicato Composition Pro - Downloaded version:  69.00 euros instead of 99.00 euros

Pizzicato Notation - Box with DVD and manual: 99.00 euros instead of 199.00 euros
Pizzicato Notation - Downloaded version:  69.00 euros instead of 129.00 euros

An individual license may be installed either on one computer of the school or on two personal computers (desktop + laptop) of the qualified user who purchased the software.

All licenses benefit from two years of free upgrades.

You can order these products on the order page (click the button entitled Education prices...):

Order an education license...

2 - Licenses For Part-Time Educational Institutions And Schools

This flat-rate package is particularly well fitted to part time music schools (evening and weekend courses) and forwards the purpose of music creativity. It is also applicable to general purpose education schools that offer music courses. When this flat-rate package is more appropriate or interesting than the site licenses, it is also applicable to higher music education schools.

A signed order confirmation on letterhead of the school is required for qualification.

With this package, you may install up to five Pizzicato Professional licenses, for the school and teachers of music courses. As an example, the school could install it on two computers of the school and give it to three teachers (a teacher may install it on two personal computers, a desktop and a laptop).

Moreover, every student following courses in music and their teachers may install (on his/her laptop and destop computers) the following software:

  • Harmony and Counterpoint
  • One out of the 5 specialized versions (Keyboard, Choir, Guitar, Drums or Soloist)

All licenses are downloaded.  The school may also order printed manuals and installation DVDs.

The price of this flat-rate package is determined by the number of students within the musical disciplines of the school:

Up to 100 students:    499.00 euros

Up to 250 students:    599.00 euros

Up to 500 students:   699.00 euros

Up to 1000 students:   799.00 euros

More than 1000 students   899.00 euros

All licenses benefit from two years of free upgrades.

After two years of free upgrades, the school, the teachers and the students may continue to use their software without time limitation.  The school can continue to distribute the last version she received, to the new teachers and students.

The school may also purchase an upgrade for the next two years at 50 % of the original education price and continue to distribute the most recent version of the software.

You can order these products on the order page (click the button entitled Education prices... for Pizzicato Professional):

Order an education license...

3 - Licenses For Educational Institutions

There are three special packages available for music education software in the framework of educational institutions or schools.  All licenses are downloaded.  The school may also order printed manuals and installation DVDs.

A signed order confirmation on letterhead of the school is required for qualification.

A - Lab Pack for 5+ and 10+ licenses

Each license can be installed either on one computer of the school or on two personal computers (desktop + laptop) of the qualified user to whom the license is assigned, that is, a teacher or a student of the school (even if the student is not a full time student).

All licenses benefit from two years of free upgrades.

The following versions of Pizzicato are available as LabPack 5+ or 10+:

Pizzicato Professional - Downloaded, Lab Pack 5+ :    89.00 euros per license
Pizzicato Professional - Downloaded, Lab Pack 10+ :  79.00 euros per license

Pizzicato Composition Pro - Downloaded, Lab Pack 5+ :    59.00 euros per license
Pizzicato Composition Pro - Downloaded, Lab Pack 10+ :  49.00 euros per license

Pizzicato Notation - Downloaded, Lab Pack 5+ :    59.00 euros per license
Pizzicato Notation - Downloaded, Lab Pack 10+ :  49.00 euros per license

Harmony & Counterpoint - Downloaded, Lab Pack 5+ :    19.00 euros per license
Harmony & Counterpoint - Downloaded, Lab Pack 10+ :  15.00 euros per license

B - Unlimited site license (School and teachers)

An unlimited site license can be installed on all the computers of the school as well as on two personal computers (desktop + laptop) of all the teachers of the school, with no limit on the total number of licenses.  The site license may not be installed on the personal computers of students.

Site licenses benefit from four years of free upgrades.

After four years of free upgrades, the school can continue to distribute the last version she received, to the new teachers. The school may also purchase an upgrade for the next four years at 50 % of the original education price and continue to distribute the most recent version of the software.

The following versions of Pizzicato are available as unlimited site licenses:

Pizzicato Professional - Downloaded version:    1999.00 euros

Pizzicato Composition Pro - Downloaded version:    1399.00 euros

Pizzicato Notation - Downloaded version:    1399.00 euros

Harmony & Counterpoint - Downloaded version:    750.00 euros

C - Unlimited extended site license (School, teachers and students)

An unlimited extended site license can be installed on all the computers of the school as well as on two personal computers (desktop + laptop) of all the teachers and students of the school, with no limit on the total number of licenses.

The qualification of a student as full-time student is required to benefit from an unlimited extended site license given by the school.  A part-time or evening student may not receive such a license from the school (except if the student is also a full time student during the day in another school).

Site licenses benefit from four years of free upgrades.

After four years of free upgrades, the school can continue to distribute the last version she received, to the new teachers and students. The school may also purchase an upgrade for the next four years at 5 0% of the original education price and continue to distribute the most recent version of the software.

The following versions of Pizzicato are available as unlimited extended site licenses:

Pizzicato Professional - Downloaded version:    2999.00 euros

Pizzicato Composition Pro - Downloaded version:    1999.00 euros

Pizzicato Notation - Downloaded version:    1999.00 euros

Harmony & Counterpoint - Downloaded version:    999.00 euros

You can order these products on the order page (click the button entitled Education prices...):

4 - Free Licenses For Education And Musical Ensembles

In the framework of a totally free partnership program with music schools, colleges, elementary and high schools, choirs, orchestras and bands, every student, teacher or member is entitled to receive a free electronic (downloaded) license of Pizzicato Light.

At no cost, teachers or conductors can create course materials that students or members can learn to play or sing and even modify.

You may participate if you are in charge of one of the above communities or if you are a teacher, a student or a member.

Click on one of the following links to know how to get your free copy of the software.
  • If you are the director of a music school, please click here...

  • If you are a music school teacher or student, please click here...

  • If you are the director of a college, elementary or high school, please click here...

  • If you are a college, elementary or high school teacher or student, please click here...

  • If you are in charge of a choir, an orchestra, a band or a musical ensemble, please click here...

  • If you are a member of a choir, an orchestra, a band or a musical ensemble, please click here...


Educational Aspects

By trying to make music available to everyone, Pizzicato has developed many aspects of music education.

Whether for music theory, music notation, music reading or creative music composition, Pizzicato has developed itself into a large field of experimentation, like a music laboratory where you can combine many tools taken from a multi use toolbox.

Music Theory

The range of the Pizzicato music education software has been developed since the beginning with the idea that the user would not necessarily need to master music before using the software.

This is why a music theory course can be found in the user's guide, explaining the basics of music notation with practical examples.

This course uses images and musical examples that the user can play to understand what are a staff, a clef, a note, an accidental, a rhythm as well as most aspects of music notation, including scales and chords.  This course is available here: music theory course...

For this reason, Pizzicato is an ideal music education software for students who start learning the basics of music.

Reading and Writing Music

Understanding of music notation goes hand in glove with practise.  Pizzicato helps the student to apply what he has learned.

By using the various notation tools of Pizzicato (entering notes, rhythms, changing clef, time and key signatures,...) the student can fill in the content of measures and experiment the link between what is written and what he hears.

By alternating the music theory lessons and the lessons about using the basic notation tools, the student can master all aspects of music notation.  It is indeed the purpose of a music education software.

Singing and Performing

In the course of learning to read a music score for singing or for instrumental performance, a music education software helps to give a rhythmic and a pitch reference to the student, through the playback of the score by the computer.

It is a very useful feature to avoid that the student gets into the habit of an error while practicing at home between his lessons.  By singing or playing the score together with the computer, the student will be able to easily locate any rhythmic or pitch error and immediately correct it.  Without that, he would continue playing the error until his next lesson when his teacher would correct him.

With the help of a music education software like Pizzicato for pitch and rhythm, the student can easily work at home and the teacher can work on the most important aspects during the lessons, like the instrumental technique, the life and performance of the music, which a computer would not be able to do.  Pizzicato becomes an assistant to both the teacher and the student.

Arrangement and Creative Music Composition

Beyond writing and reading a musical score, there is the understanding of music itself.

Any serious approach to music education should take into account the innate creative ability of the human being and give him the means to develop it and express it.

Once the basics of understanding the musical language have been established, the subjets of arrangement and creative music composition can be addressed.

The major advantage is that Pizzicato has been developed with the purpose of helping users to compose music through many intuitive tools. Unlike many other similar software, Pizzicato has specialized in the development of many composition tools, while still remaining a music education software structured around traditional music notation.

The student and the teacher will be able to use tools to structure a music composition and to handle and experiment with chord progressions, melodies, rhythmic structures as well as harmony and counterpoint rules so as to build a solid harmonic and melodic structure that may then be worked in any music style.

Other Pizzicato tools also provide creativity with sounds and the integration of audio files for direct playback and recording of voice or musical instruments.

Creativity is the main purpose.  Let us stimulate it and help students to express themselves and build their own music compositions. With Pizzicato, teachers have a real musical laboratory for experimentation with their students.

This creative music laboratory can easily be integrated with other music notation software like Finale or Sibelius or with audio/MIDI sequencers like CuBase or Logic, through MusicXML and/or MIDI file exchange between these software and Pizzicato.
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